SUMMER 2024 

(AGES 4+)

Houston Ballet Academy’s Youth Summer Training Program offers training for students ages 4 and up. Students will attend classes five days per week with our world-class instructors.


Rhythm In Motion is for students ages 4-6.
Elementary Ballet is for students ages 6-7.
These classes are offered in one-week options, and an audition is not required.


Levels 1 – Advanced are for students ages 7+. 
These classes are offered in two-week sessions, and an audition is required.


YSTP Auditions

Register for an in-person audition or submit a recorded video.

Tuition & Fees

Learn about the financial responsibilities of all Houston Ballet Academy's summer programs.

Summer Schedule

Schedules for the Youth Summer Training Program.

Ages 4-7

Rhythm In Motion (Ages 4-6) and Elementary Ballet (Ages 6-7) do not require an audition.