Assist in proofing and mailing the Guild directory. Requires participation in the summer.

Guild Recruitment: 
Promote Houston Ballet Guild membership at Houston Ballet performances and other events.

Houston Ballet Academy and ECE Support:
Assist with Summer Intensive Program, set-up and usher students at the Studio Series performances, Graceful Givings and more.

HBII Birthday Celebrations:
Provide monthly birthday treats for the HBII students of Houston Ballet Academy.

Houston Ballet Docents:
Provide tours of the Houston Ballet's Margaret Alkek Williams Center for Dance.

Membership Mentors:
Serve as a mentor to a new Guild member.

Membership Renewal:
Assist in the mailing of the annual spring membership forms.

Nutcracker Market Volunteers:
Volunteers work one or more shift(s) that are approximately three hours and receive complimentary parking and admission.

Student Matinees: 
Assist in ushering school children into the Wortham Theater at select matinee performances during Houston Ballet performance season.

Wortham Boutique Workshops:
Create gift items that will be sold at the Wortham Theater during Houston Ballet performances.